NGO Africa Watch

Reaching Communities

8.3 million people will go hungry in Somalia by June 2023 without emergency aid

The recently published Food Classification Report predicts that parts of Somalia will face famine by June 2023, with the number of people facing catastrophic famine (IPC Phase 5). will double to 727,000. About 8.3 million people across Somalia are expected to face starvation. Crisis (IPC Phase 3) or worsening of food insecurity by June 2023, from 5.6 million currently.


“The report highlights the urgent need to scale up flexible funding and responses towards the Somalia Humanitarian Plan which is currently 55% funded. CARE is greatly concerned by the increase in the number of people who are going hungry, we are witnessing a spike in the numbers of emaciated women and children visiting the health centers we support. It is unacceptable that more than half the population of Somalia will face acute food insecurity by June 2023 if no urgent funding is availed. As the needs outpace the humanitarian support available, the situation will become direr. The time to scale up our response is now as lives are being lost, children are missing school and livelihoods are being wiped out. The situation in Somalia is grim and only a concerted effort can help avert a catastrophe – one that the country will struggle to recover from. Since January, CARE has supported more than 700,000 people with cash assistance and emergency water trucking. We are also supporting 57 camps for internally displaced people across the country”

Source: CARE